Anyway, Jamie and I grabbed some grub on the way back, and then got ready for the night. We had arranged to go out salsa dancing, so after showering up and changing into something tighter that made me feel a bit hotter I met up with the other kids and we headed out. There is a group of about sic or eight students (four American, four Chinese) which I am a part of. We have been practicing a salsa routine for the past week or two in preparation for a performance on this Thursday, and we decided to put our new skills to use. I gotta say, there are a few things I like a lot about going out and dancing with Chinese students as opposed to with other Americans. First, we take public transit over, since they don't have the money to throw around that a lot of the American students do, and I want to save cash too, so that's cool. Secondly, I get to practice my Chinese skills, so it is a language improving experience as well as a night out. Also, they don't drink or smoke, so I do not feel left out by a group of people who are just pursuing booze, not are they really lustful (that word doesn't feel quite right, but I can't think of a better one), and just looking for a body to grind with, which also makes me feel more comfortable. Finally, since the Chinese kids are so timid and shy, I get to feel like a really wild guy; the life of the party! We spent a few hours at the salsa club before heading out, and I had several nice dances with the girls we came with. I am still not confident enough with my (very) limited salsa repertoire to casually dance with new people there, but can feel that I am getting better, which is nice.
When I got back to my room, Ron was still awake, which was pretty surprising since it was about 12:30 or so. He was partway through an episode of Friends, and I have been watching them with him lately (both as a way to relax in in the evening and as a way to spend time with my roomie), so I sat down and watched too. (Rachel just had her baby, and Joey just accidentally proposed to her. I like Ross a lot better though)
After that we wandered around through some hutongs (胡同, those alleys with old school stlye) and eventually grabbed a bus back to the east side of town. Back near the college, we went into a supermarket for a very special purchase... Underwear! I had heard that basically all the Beijingers wear long underwear, and having experiences the preliminaries of Beijing winter I can see (or feel, rather) why! I have never had long, or thermal, if you prefer, underwear before, but it is really comfy, and it definitely keeps me from freezing. I don't think I'll take it off until the flower start blooming in springtime. I also bought a scarf, but I have been wearing the entire time since I bought it. I think that wearing it inside gives me kind of a faux intellectual look (what, am I French?), but I am just cold and I think it is comfortable. I have a coat (got it yesterday morning), gloves, scarf, long underwear, and pants which were bought in China. I am starting to wish I could just trade in my old American bought clothes for new stuff here. I want to get more bought-in-China clothes, but I think I already have plenty of stuff to wear.
One thing I was saving until the end: while Ron and I were at the bus stop way between the the Lu Xun museum and home (we had to transfer once) waiting for the next bus half, a lady who was standing nearby fell forward. I didn't see her fall, but my head snapped in her direction as soon as I heard her hit the ground and her friend, or maybe husband, shout out and cradle her limp body. They way she fell, she must have gone completely limp. She didn't break her fall with her hand or anything, as someone would if they were shoved or if they tripped. The hit the pavement (that's right, the street) at full force with the front of her head. When I got a glance at her face over the man that was cradeling her limp body, her mouth, teeth, and cheek were covered in blood. God, I can almost taste blood just writing about it. Creepy. While he was holding her body, her limbs starting shaking, and I recognized it as a classic grand mal seizure (I am amazed I remember that from 8th, or maybe 9th grade health class, more than four years ago). There was nothing I could do to help, and my Chinese isn't good enough to have tried anyway. He sat cradling her for maybe 5 minutes, and then loaded her on his back and carried her away. She wasn't dead, but it sure wasn't the start of a great new day either. Later, while Ron and I were walking back from the supermarket he told me that people fake that a lot as an attempt to get money, but that sounds like a pretty strange scam told me. I suppose it would be easy enough to get fake blood in your mouth, but I think that girl hit the ground pretty hard. It made me think about a few things. The simpler and less thought-provoking thought is just a reminder of how fragile we are. When I walk around my head is about 5 feet off the ground. A human being and be killed or paralyzed from a fall of as little as 3 feet. Imagine falling and hitting your head on a cement sidewalk with nothing more than the weight of your falling body and gravity. That is enough right there to end a human life. Wow. Skin isn't a very tough substance, and bones break pretty easily. My second though is this: how unfair. First that she should be born with a condition that could cause serious injury, or at the very least great inconvenience, at any moment without warning. Then I expanded it a bit farther, as to hoe unfair it is that some people should be born into a situation when they can deal with negatives (via medication, social connection, or whatever solutions they have access to), while others are born into situations where food, health, love, or even warmth is scarce. The people who run the food stands outside my college are there every night until midnight or so, and it is below freezing while the sun is up. I hate to think how cold it is at 11:30 at night. They sell fruit, or meat kabobs, or little pancake-like things, for anywhere between 14 and 45 cents US. How unfair it is that their opportunities have been such that they are up working on freezing streets of Beijing, likely earning the equivalent of only a few hundred US dollars a year. While they do this, myself and my peers buy soft drinks, pay 30 kuai to get into a dance club for a few hours with some friends and music, pay money for clothes, food, books, movies, games, the more than $100 US that some kids spent to get a turkey a few weeks ago on Thanksgiving... is our need for these excessive frivolities things really so much greater than other people's need for their basic necessities that we can justify using it for us rather than for them? What would it mean for my life if I gave this question serious contemplation and lived by the answer I found? What does it mean about the people who don't think about it?
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